2024年9月8日(日) 静岡県御前崎市ロングビーチにてWhiteBuffalo 御前崎プロのファイナルデーが開催された。

男子ファイナルにはトリッキーなアクションとバックハンドの好調な長沢侑磨とエアーが得意でQS3000初優勝を目指す小林桂の対決。長沢は自分の思い描く波をじっくり待ちポイントを重ねる作戦なのか、沖を見つめ波を探していたのが印象的だった。その一方でプライオリティ関係なくアウトの波よりもインサイドセクションで細かくポイントを重ねリードをする小林。序盤に二人とも波に乗り長沢は5.50pt をメイクしリードするも次の波が来ず、2本目に3.80pt をマークするもそのままテイクアウトすることなくトータル9.30pt で終了となった。一方の小林は合計17本の波に乗り小刻みにポイントを重ねていき、その中でポテンシャルある波を掴み見事QS3000初優勝を手にした。

女子ファイナルには、ひさしぶりのQSの試合で、緊張していたと語る松岡亜音とASFなど海外でも優勝経験を持つ池田美来が登場。松岡はセットを待つよりもインサイドセクションで細かく波に乗りポイントをメイクし、松岡は合計12本乗り、1本目に5.75pt 終盤の11 本目には4.57pt と大きくリードした。一方の池田は一本目に3.75pt をマーク。その後なかなか波を掴めず5本目にポテンシャルある波を掴むも3.85pt とポイントを伸ばせきれずに惜しくも準優勝となった。

トータルハイエスト シチズン プロマスター賞

DAY5 Final Day Highlights
On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the White Buffalo Omaezaki Pro Final Day washeld at Long Beach, Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

There was no wind in the morning, and the waves were thick like the previousmorning, around 1 meter in diameter and difficult to break, but there were also some waves that could be used for set action. As we approached the final heat, the wind started blowing from the southwest and the face gradually became unstable.
On the men's side, Kei Kobayashi and Yuma Nagasawa advanced to the finaltoday. There are 4 girls: Miku Ikeda and Anon Matsuoka.
In the men's final, there will be a showdown between Yuma Nagasawa, who has a tricky action and strong backhand skills, and Kei Kobayashi, who is good at air and is aiming for his first QS3000 victory. Nagasawa's strategy was to wait carefully for the waves he envisioned and accumulate points, but it was impressive to see him staring offshore, looking for waves. On the other hand, regardless of his priorities, Kobayashi takes the lead by accumulating detailed points on the inside section rather than on the outside waves.Both riders rode waves in the early stages, and Nagasawa made a 5.50pt lead, but the next wave did not come, and although he marked 3.80pt on the second run, he did not take out and finished with a total of 9.30pt. On the other hand, Kobayashi rode a total of 17 waves and gradually accumulated points, catching a wave with potential and taking his first QS3000 victory.

In the women's final, Anon Matsuoka, who said she was nervous as it was her first QS match in a while, and Miku Ikeda, who has won overseas including ASF, appeared. Rather than waiting for a set, Matsuoka rode fine waves on the inside section and made points, and Matsuoka rode 12 waves in total, taking a big lead with 5.75pt on the first run and 4.57pt on the 11th run. Ikeda, on the other hand, scored 3.75 points in the first run. After that, I couldn't catch any waves, and although I caught a potential wave on the 5th run, I couldn't increase my points with 3.85 points, and unfortunately I was runner-up.

The final match was decided by whether both men and women rode the waves carefully or carefully selected the waves.
Total Highest Citizen Promaster Award

Thank you for supporting us in the heat for 5 days and for making the venue lively. We will be back here in Omaezaki next year with lots of content. See younext year!