DAY1 ハイライト

2024年9月4日(水)静岡県御前崎市ロングビーチにてWhiteBuffalo 御前崎プロの初日が開催された。


先週の台風10号の影響で長雨が続いた日本列島で荒天を心配したが開催を祝うかのような快晴となった。波は潮帯にもよるが1mから1.5mで、見たもよりもスローでパンピングでインサイドまで繋ぎ大きく1 アクションか、テクニックで2から3アクションといったコンディション。

本日は男子はラウンドオブ88・女子はラウンドオブ32まで行われた。本日のトータルハイエストポイントは7.50pt と7.00pt トータル14.50pt をメイクした小林佳(USA)。
割れづらい波にもタイミングを合わせノートリムで3アクション。リップがタイミングよく立ってきたところにすかさずエアーをメイクし7.50pt と2位以下を大きく突き放しラウンドアップを決めた。


本日、WhiteBuffalo 御前崎プロ 初日終了後には、スポンサーであるSelery主催のビーチクリーンが行われ多くの選手や観客の方々が参加した。


Photograph and Text by いずもしゅうじ

DAY1 Highlights

The first day of the White Buffalo Omaezaki Pro was held on Wednesday,September 4, 2024 at Long Beach, Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

This year will be the third Omaezaki Pro. Since it is held in QS3000 and upgrades and is a major point in the Asia region, many athletes are participating not only from Japan but also from the Philippines and Indonesia, and although they are outside the region points, there are also participants from the United States and Hawaii. Among the Japanese athletes, Kei Sato, a native of Omaezaki and last year's champion, and Mirai Ikeda, who is also from Omaezaki
and won the recent ASF Asian Surfing Championship, and is the Asia Region QSranking leader, are also participating.

Another Asian region QS ranking leader and last year's champion, Rear Ito, recently launched his first signature movie.

Surfing also became an Olympic event, attracting attention from the first day as top athletes such as Olympians Reo Inaba, Hiroto Ohara, and Shino Matsuda, as well as Tokyo Olympics bronze medalist Amuro Tsuzuki, participated.

There were concerns about stormy weather in the Japanese archipelago, which had been experiencing prolonged rain due to last week's Typhoon No. 10, but the weather turned out to be sunny, as if to celebrate the event. The waves are 1m to 1.5m depending on the tidal zone, and are slower than they look, pumping and connecting to the inside for one big action, or 2 to 3 actions depending on technique.

Today, the men's round of 88 and the women's round of 32 were held. Today's total highest points were Yoshi Kobayashi (USA) who made 7.50 points and 7.00 points for a total of 14.50 points. 3 actions with no rim, matching the timing to waves that are difficult to break. When the lip came up at the right time, he immediately made an air, and with a score of 7.50 points, he was able to beat the 2nd place and below, and decided to round up.

Tomorrow's first call is scheduled for 7:30, and the race is scheduled to start with the QS3000 men's round of 64.

Today, after the first day of White Buffalo Omaezaki Pro, a beach clean was held sponsored by our sponsor Selery, and many players and spectators participated.

The forecast is for autumn skies with lingering heat remaining tomorrow, so please come and take precautions against heat stroke.

Photograph and Text by Shuji Izumo



