DAY2 ハイライト

2024年9月5日(木) 静岡県御前崎市ロングビーチにてWhiteBuffalo 御前崎プロの2日目。

昨日よりもウネリが弱くセット間隔も長い為、朝の時点ではオンホールドとなったものの、潮の引きのタイミングで11 時にオンとなった。波は1m前後の厚めな波で、パンピングし1アクションから2アクションといったライディングが目立つ。13時を過ぎた頃から小さいながらも徐々にフェイスが張る波が出始め、それと共に選手達のクリティカルなチャージが増えた。

そんな中でも本日のハイエストポイントはヒート5に登場した田中大輝。小さいながらもしっかり波を見極めポテンシャルある波をプライオリティを上手に使いながらゲームをコントロールし、中盤でエアリバースで5.25pt とヒート終了間際に沖からのセットを掴みしっかり3ターンメイクし、このライディングが7.00pt となり本日のベストトータルスコアを叩き出し明日以降へとラウンドアップした。




Photograph and Text by いずもしゅうじ

DAY2 Highlights

Thursday, September 5, 2024 Day 2 of the White Buffalo Omaezaki Pro at LongBeach, Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

The swell was weaker than yesterday, and the interval between sets was longer, so it was on hold in the morning, but was turned on at 11 o'clock as the tide wasgoing out. The waves are thick, around 1 meter long, and the riding is noticeable with pumping and 1 to 2 action action. After 1:00 p.m., when the tide started to rise, small but gradually increasing waves began to appear, and along with that, the number of critical charges from the players increased.

Among all of this, today's highest point was Daiki Tanaka who appeared in heat 5. Although small, he controlled the game by properly identifying the waves and using the priority of waves with potential, and in the middle of the heat, he got 5.25 points with an air reverse, and just before the end of the heat, he grabbed a set from offshore and made a solid 3 turns, and this riding was 7.00. PT and achieved the best total score of the day, moving on to the next round.

In an interview after the match, Tanaka said, ``I saw the last 20 seconds of the last ride off the coast, and I had a priority, so I thought if I paddled seriously, I would definitely make it in time, so I did a demon paddle and barely made it in time, so I'm glad. The other three players are also good players, so I was able to use my priorities well to break the pace of the other players. This time we will continue with Miyazaki, so we prepared 8 boards. The waves were small this morning, so I was trying out EPS and Eco Carbon ECT. I played ECT in today's match, and my paddle is extremely fast and I'm in good shape. This board also suits the waves here, so I will continue to do my best! ” he said with joy.

Today we progressed to heat 6 of the men's round of 64, with subsequent heats being postponed to tomorrow. First call is at 7 o'clock tomorrow.

The forecast is for it to be hot tomorrow as well, so please come and take adequate precautions against heat stroke.

Photograph and Text by Shuji Izumo



